My name is José Dias de Moura (aka Jousehfinho), I am an experienced GTA SAN skin modder, I love doing my work. All of my rigged skins are protected under fair use, since all of the models used are taken from downloadable resource websites, therefore all of my skins are free and allowed for reupload under my name, AND they're also allowed to be edited for fixes (otherwise I will just consider a reupload with no consent whatsoever).
I support the ideology of fair use, if there is a third-party model out there available for everyone to download, anyone can modify it. This is what we do on gtainside and other gta mod forums, and I believe everyone should have this common sense as well.
Sometimes I repost mods which are not available on gtainside that are allowed by such authors to be reuploaded, and sometimes I will reupload already existing mods made by me which are updated versions with better rigging/weight.
I love Danganronpa and visual novel games, so expected a lot of skin of those around here.
If you feel like supporting my work, you can chose to donate to me using my Paypal links. That is not necessary for my production and it will never impact my work, it's just there for my entertainment's sake.
Also thank you for 200K+ downloads guys.
Contact me on Discord: Jousehfinho#4745
PS: I do not take commissions.
@gwenita69 yeah man, surely a jap no one cares about with a mod that is literally impossible to get hands on clearly made a model from scratch from a game whom's IP isn't even his (bet you don't even know what an IP is). BTW, imagine putting a mod behind a paywall. So f*****g retarded my guy, just admit you're tabris himself crying over being a f*****g failure, just the f*** after all these years you're still being insecure over extracred 3D models shows how childish you are. Wow, japs are so f*****g stupid holy s***
BTW you're just making yourself look stupid going over SERGIO, like please just grow up and go back to masturbating over children you crazy a** pedo
@gwenita69 niga k1ll yourself for the love of god
@gwenita69 this whole modding crusade and tabris dick ridding is the most loser s*** ive seen online my guy, go back to your jap gooning place and jerk off to underaged children bruv no one likes you
Oh look, here comes the Tabris fanboy who totally is not Trabis' alt account himself larping around the net, crying about his lack of modding skills and crinyg about people making better mods than him. Shut the f*** up you little jap, you don't even own these models nor the IP. All of those past skins sucked, in size, rigging or various details. This one is so perfect it put theirs to shame. Also lmao, imagine deleting a mod because someone did a way version version, imagine being so insecure about that. Peple do that all the time, modders make upgrades, it's normal. Grow the f*** up. I can't even count the amount of times people took my skins and just upgraded them, and I don't even give a f*** about it since they're just making em better for everyone.
Lol, go back to your pedo website called gamers or some s***, where you jackoff to lolis and underaged anime children. Bro is literally P DIDDY lol. Idk, you should stay in that mugen website too, where everyone thinks you're a joke. I just can't believe how insecure you jap people are, it makes me sick. Thanks to me all the models you gatekeeped are now easily available for everyone to download and enjoy.
Just look at you buddy, no one thinks you're hot s***. Thanks for making my day coming back to this platform like two years later jap, go pick up rice or some s*** lmao. YOU CAN'T DO S***