Hola a Todos, Mi Nombre es Michelle.
De mi parte tendrán Acceso a las Mayorías de cosas de Gta V
(Edificios, Interiores, Accesorios, Vehiculos,etc )
y gran variedad de Skins.
No te agrada mis adaptaciones?
Simple. No lo descargues, nadie te obliga hacerlo, es fácil
Te agradezco por tomarte el tiempo de leer esto
Hello everyone, my name is Michelle.
From me you will have access to most of the things in Gta V
(Buildings, interiors, accessories, vehicles, etc.)
and a great variety of skins.
Don't you like my adaptations?
Simple. Don't download it, nobody forces you to do it, it's easy
I thank you for taking the time to read this.
@stephitl I replace the "vehicles.txd" texture that comes included in all my adaptations in the "models" folder?
It really is and you are absolutely right.
oh wait..
it's true, my PC is so old and outdated that I can't open Codewalker and import multiple things into 3dsmax without crashing the scenary.
And yes, all the adaptation on my part is guided by an approximation of how it looks in-game (going inside the game and looking at positions and objects)
@Rodtuning Could you tell me what problems you have with the mod to be able to put 1 star?
nice that you noticed that subtle little wink.
I didn't realize this wonder, damn