You deserve a low blow, Professor Racist!
can sub-zero replace CJ in cutscenes?
CJ - Sub-Zero
what if doey takes over GTA SA cutscenes?
Big Smoke - Happy Doey
Big Smoke Kevlar - Angry Doey
Dying Big Smoke Kevlar - Sad Doey
what if frieren and friends invades GTA SA cutscenes?
Maria - Frieren (Cameo)
Kent Paul - Himmel
Maccer - Stark
Fern - Kendl
what if ratchet takes over loc's place to ruin cutscenes?
OG Loc - Ratchet with Armor and Helmet
OG Loc Burger Shot Employee - Ratchet with Armor without Helmet
what if enoch ruins GTA SA cutscenes to replace tenpenny?
Tenpenny - Enoch