Just a fucking Vietnamese guy? LOL
Country:@SD GAMERZ Cool man! Sorry i was off for so long, Thanks for doing my request
Still waiting for Saint Row 4's vehicle and character bro :( . Sorry if I ask you too much but im a big fan of Saint Row. The mod's texture is in png file or maybe no import please
No problem man xD, im still waiting for your next mods in the future
By the way i will very,very happy if you make another Saint Row 4 mods, like weapons (you still missing some weapons) ,character skins, vehicles
I am sorry if these is too much for you, you dont need to do if you feel you cant make it I will support you all i can
Hi buddy, hope you make more mods with the texture like this,not the .txd file,because the others mod have a .txd file when i replace it always having a white texture, dont know why =( .See all my rating for your mods bro, hope you like it