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Age: 30
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"Bounty Hunter"

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Recent Comments (66)
Diego4Fun Psychic Abilities
diegoforfun | 05.08.2023 | 5905

"Bounty Hunter"
Bounty Hunter
Comments: 66

@Notorious MCJ the thing about RDR PC is simple they just modified the ps3 emulator and call it a day so understandable (you can't expect to get a money from modding an emulator and spreading the ps3 game).
VCS on the other hand wasn't,in fact was more lazyness then anything,they just couldn't compete or finish said mod.
Take as an example GTA Underground it has years and millions of fans and still is updated,other example is GTA Criminal Russia still updated and nothing happened,GTA NAruto as well still updated and nothing happened,and so on which proves those guys saying "i got a DMCA" is just lazy guys that won't finish anything some even use DMCA as a way to get money "i have been doing this for a while and i know you expect me to continue but i got a DMCA so i need monetary support to get lawyer" and so on but is just a way to get money and nothing else.
Also what open source? i am aware of gta sa unity but open source? you know you need the source files of the original content liberated by developer to call it open source,you can't just decompile a game and yell "here is open source gta sa" and expect no repercutions.
Yet as i said is completely abandonware at this point,for example even gta V is reaching the abandonware at this point and nothing can be done (laws differ on countries and in those countries is legal) no matter how much rockstar complain,take for example a guy that sold gta V for points on his site,he got a DMCA (just a mail that he didn't even redacted and posted with the mail address of rockstar unlike others claiming they got a DMCA but make heavy edits,also how can you be afraid of something if you are using a handlename) the guy in the end ignored the mail (he said find me if you can) and continue to this date,even fueling more hate from rockstar since he changed the points system to a real money system and his Gta V works online he even sell shark cards and nothing has happened to him because he isn't from murrica and he learnt that in his country if a game doesn't get updates and added content in a period of 36 months the game is considered abandonware (and gta V base hasn't been updated in years) and getting shark cards for a 10th of the real price is great.

Diego4Fun Psychic Abilities
diegoforfun | 04.08.2023 | 5905

"Bounty Hunter"
Bounty Hunter
Comments: 66

@Notorious MCJ what DMCA?
remember the game is already declared abandonware at this point even the remaster.
well thanks to certain guy rockstar did some stuff
>release the game for free with launcher
>removal of all digital releases of the old version
>old and remaster are archived on digital libraries and free to download and distribute
kinda weird some old fashioned modders are still afraid of legal repercutions,probably fanboys doing that same as half life 2 fanboys.
>game is declared abandonware at this point
>cinematic mod releases and everyone tries to take it down.
>only reason for that is you needed half life 2 and nothing else.
>mod allowed you to play even the episodes just paying one of the games.
and they wonder why people hate fanboys of certain games.
While i do agree that rockstar is against modding in general at this point they already declared certain games as abandonware so no legal action will happen.
You can already distribute the whole game with mods and nothing will happen (you can even ask money for it and have a patreon) this was proven by 2 modders that are spreading their whole modded games and nothing happened at all.
Games considered abandonware by rockstar
>Gta San Andreas (original and remaster)
>Gta IV
>Gta III
>Gta Vice City

Diego4Fun Psychic Abilities
diegoforfun | 04.08.2023 | 5905

"Bounty Hunter"
Bounty Hunter
Comments: 66

@Notorious MCJ PArt of this look like the Super CJ by PLpynton.
Specially when you see certain powers since PLpynton made lot of force style powers for his mod which is a simple main scm replacer but with powers like force push,teleport,force sphere.
Probably was the base.
Well at least isn't stolen like the "black hole cleo with force push" which is just just the naruto pain powers cleo with the sounds removed (since it use naruto sounds originally like bansho tein,shinra tensei,chibaku tensei and so on)

Skin Basado En Leyenda De Teke Teke
dmloquendo | 24.07.2023 | 1785

"Bounty Hunter"
Bounty Hunter
Comments: 66

did you read properly mate it says clearly "she was cheating on him",besides the story of teke teke from the movie is based on the original story not the modern one that says "she was bullied by her classmates" because that story doesn't make sense at teke teke attacking anyone wearing something red

V Graphics Redux Timecyc
schello24r | 23.07.2023 | 13597

"Bounty Hunter"
Bounty Hunter
Comments: 66

@schello24r i compared them and have the same numbers