

About Me

If you have the blocked mouse problem then it is possible that you can't activate the mods.
I had this problem the last time and to fix the problem I had open the task manager of windows then in the details tab I had search the game Gta San Andreas and I had disabled the processors except 1 in "define the affinity".

After all the mods could work without problems :).

Mod (almost) Finished and will upload this week end or later :

Mod in development :
- Mario Kart Mod (correction of the last bugs or improvement of mod).
- SWAT Mission (first mission finish of 10)

Others mod :
- Mastodonte MW3 :
I will correct the bugs to the mod later.
- Barrack Passenger :
- Radar cleo mod :
- Black Hawk Passenger Mod :
- Black Hawk Passenger v2 :

Country: France
Contact Me
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My Rank
I have 63 rank points.(?)

My GTAinside rank is
and I'm called:

"Bounty Hunter"

My Stats
News: 0
Downloads: 63
Videos: 0
Total: 63
Modifications: (since 07.11.2012)
Released: 24 mods
Total: 435,470 downloads
Average: 18,145 downloads
Last online:
29.09.2024, 22:53
My Recent Activities
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My Mods
Recent Comments (63)
Added Scope Mod
jojo2971 | 14.05.2021 | 34610

"Bounty Hunter"
Bounty Hunter
Comments: 63

In the video I show how to add a viewfinder for any weapon, including the added ones.
You can put viewfinder for all the weapons one by one if I remember correctly.

Heli Army Plus V1.2
jojo2971 | 11.10.2020 | 20644

"Bounty Hunter"
Bounty Hunter
Comments: 63

@jojo2971Small precision that I had not specified in the description.
After the update of 05/10/2020, steal the helicopter brings down the soldiers into the helicopter to the ground.
Then another helicopter will appear in the same way as if you had destroyed the helicopter.

Drone V1.2 Mod (Update 10/07/2020)
jojo2971 | 23.08.2020 | 33062

"Bounty Hunter"
Bounty Hunter
Comments: 63

I have the first person V3 mod and the camera work correctly.

I tested the mod GTA V full camera style and the camera has indeed this problem.
Then I tested another version of this mod called GTA V camera fix and I obtain the same result.

I don't know how to fix this problem, but I think that the mods using the camera continuously which causes these unstable movements.
The walking camera style.cs places the camera a bit behind the player and perform zoom.
The driving camera style.cs performs just zoom.
(Note : The zoom may cause camera shaking if it is high)

The only solution I think would be to modify the GTA V style camera mod by adding conditions to work without this problem or a variable to allow via a key combination or code to disable/enable the mod.

Black Hawk Passenger v2
jojo2971 | 04.06.2020 | 23208

"Bounty Hunter"
Bounty Hunter
Comments: 63

As the ped model is not the right one as I said in one of my comments below. I put a link of the mod with the good model (army). The version that I had uploaded was a custom version that I was using.

I can't edit this page because I had placed the mod without being registered on the site.
The link of the good version of the mod (Screenshots and readme files are not included in this link) :

I could probably make the mod better but I don't really have time for this and I don't really have an idea to make the mod more interesting without integrating it into a mission.

MH6 Passenger
jojo2971 | 18.08.2019 | 42902

"Bounty Hunter"
Bounty Hunter
Comments: 63

I created the cleo mod but the model of the helicopter is just included in addition because the position of the seats is suitable for this model.

There have been an error when the mod was uploaded, it was placed in the helicopter category instead of cleo mod.

Unfortunately I lost the original link of the helicopter since a long time :/.

PS :
- The last version of the mod is here :