

About Me

just a boy from Indonesia

Country: Indonesia Age: 30
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and I'm called:

"Bounty Hunter"

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Downloads: 62
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Total: 62
Modifications: (since 07.11.2012)
Released: 2 mods
Total: 26,427 downloads
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31.01.2019, 19:19
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Recent Comments (62)
1994 Honda Prelude Gen.IV
GRLDYLEE | 18.07.2018 | 14835

"Bounty Hunter"
Bounty Hunter
Comments: 62

usually i'm just looking your work via FB feed..
until..i saw this one
goddamnit this making me want to get my butt back to SA uwu

2016 Ferrari FXX K [HQ] Final ImVehFt.
Zen-Imogen, SoraIro, FA Works | 12.05.2016 | 138877

"Bounty Hunter"
Bounty Hunter
Comments: 62

Nicely Done,m8 good

BMW M3 E92 Liberty Walk LB Performance
FHR artworks | 12.05.2016 | 23017

"Bounty Hunter"
Bounty Hunter
Comments: 62

 Quote: FHR artworks

 Quote: REV125

 Quote: FHR artworks

 Quote: REV125

FINALLY!!! i have a PJ for this e92 version already for my friend's Render,hope i can use it in SA too!
is it contain a template too??biggrin
i am not included template for this car because the fender is have different template , but this car template is same with bmw e92 from forza biggrin
*sorry for my bad english crazy

hahah,indonesia aja bro,baru sadar liat benderanya wkwkwk
hmm ane blom punya bmw situ yg e92 stock bro,boleh ga pm aja link templatenya? hehe soalnya liveryku include all body biggrinpardon thanks yo broo,sukses selalu good
makasih bro ,btw tapi nanti fendernya gk ikut kena paintjob soalnya texturenya beda + templatenya gk nyatu ama body , gk apa2 ? :3

waah,sayang juga ya bro,emang pasti ga bisa ter-arrange secara pas atau gmn tu bro?kalo misalnya bisa tapi ada cara khusus dari situ,biar kukirimkan aja liveryku ke situ,minta tolong pasangin hakhakahakhak lol
trims responnya btw :3

BMW M3 E92 Liberty Walk LB Performance
FHR artworks | 11.05.2016 | 23017

"Bounty Hunter"
Bounty Hunter
Comments: 62

 Quote: FHR artworks

 Quote: REV125

FINALLY!!! i have a PJ for this e92 version already for my friend's Render,hope i can use it in SA too!
is it contain a template too??biggrin
i am not included template for this car because the fender is have different template , but this car template is same with bmw e92 from forza biggrin
*sorry for my bad english crazy

hahah,indonesia aja bro,baru sadar liat benderanya wkwkwk
hmm ane blom punya bmw situ yg e92 stock bro,boleh ga pm aja link templatenya? hehe soalnya liveryku include all body biggrinpardon thanks yo broo,sukses selalu good

BMW M3 E92 Liberty Walk LB Performance
FHR artworks | 10.05.2016 | 23017

"Bounty Hunter"
Bounty Hunter
Comments: 62

FINALLY!!! i have a PJ for this e92 version already for my friend's Render,hope i can use it in SA too!
is it contain a template too??biggrin