GTA TURUKISH MODS, is a project started in September 2016, which aims to make better turkish emergency mods for GTA San Andreas. Instead of police vehicles, there will be released also EMS, FIRE BRIGADE, GENDARMERIE, SEARCH AND RESCUE, COAST GUARD, PARK RANGER, PRISON GUARD, MUNICIPAL GUARDS, PRIVATE SECURITY GUARDS. Skins and vehicles for these branches. We hope that community will enjoy our mods.
Country:@BeratIsler_CrazyPrew Peki tamam ozaman. Kaynak olarak şunları gösteriniz. 3D Model ve kaplamalar: Turkish Mod Team; GTA SA ya konvert: Mehmet Üner. Yeni parça ve kaplamalar: GTA Milli Modları. Bu şartı yerine getirdiğiniz taktirde bu aracı edıtleye bilirsiniz. Bir de araç hazır olunca bize gösterinö bir görelim.
Excellend work man! Keep it going!
@BeratIsler_CrazyPrew Ne tür bir edıt yapmak istiyorsunuz tam olarak söyleyebilimisiniz?
@Marcos F. Did you read the credits that I provide here in the description of this upload? I recenty ad WILL, after I saw his post on Equipe Gaucha on 11 October.
@Marcos F. Man I added WILL and OTTO mods to credits? Did you read it eh?