This is the BEST Oppressor MKII mod you will ever see,it has everything,minugun,missiles,countermeasures,and obsviously,it flies,it can also just stay in place while in mid air,and it rotates in its axis.
This mod have 0 known bugs,and is implemented so perfeclty that its like rockstar themselves added this bike to San Andreas,and the controls and physics are just like GTA online.
The oppressor MKII replaces the BF-400,but if you want,you can replace another bike,and put the ini of the new bike on the OppressorMKII.ini
Version 1.1 has been released, and it brings some new features, bug fixes, etc.. Now the oppressor MKII has a visual aim, and if it locks onto someone, it turns red, like in GTA online, different from before, which was just an arrow on top of the NPC, the speed was modified to resemble GTA online, the boost suffered a slight nerf, but the missiles are more accurate. |