
GTA Vice City Mods



Superalien For GTA Vice City

Author: ARBAAB GTAVC MODS,Faizan Gaming,Ashwani,Bninin,SPITFIRE,Jwalin
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Date: 03.09.2024
Downloads: 1452 | Statistics
Filesize: 3.085 MB

9.50 based on 4 votes

ARBAAB GTAVC MODS, i'am made this mod.
Thanks And Credit's
(Faizan Gaming Mods), ped kill and car blasts and guards and some codes by faizan gaming thanks to Faizan Gaming.
(Jwalin), some codes by jwalin.
(THE SPITFIRE), some codes by (SPITFIRE) thanks to spitfire
(Ashwani), Flying Codes By Ashwani - thanks to ashwani
(Bninin), Skin Author Is (Bninin) Thanks to bninin
? In this mod, Tommy can become a superalien.

When you type the cheat code **(SUPERALIEN)**, Tommy can become a superalien and if you again type (SUPERALIEN) so tommy can become normal tommy.
If You Press (1+2) Button So All Nearby Cars And Peds Will Be Destroyed And Killed.
If You Press (3) One fire explosion will happen on the ground.
If You Press (TAB) Button So Then Tommy will start flying.-- press and hold TAB Then Tommy will go up towards the sky. press and hold (SHIFT) Then Tommy will keep moving forward at high speed.- if you press up ,w button Then Tommy will keep moving forward at normal speed. if you press and hold (down,s) so Then Tommy will go backwards at normal speed. and you can control left or right to mouse control.
If You Press (6) Button So A Alien Guard Spawn on Front Tommy, and if you again press (6) so guard will be destroyed, and your guard will be flying with you if you are flying (TAB).
If You Press (7) Button Then Tommy will use a great power, causing explosions in front and behind left or right of him. All the cars will be destroyed, and the pedestrians will be killed.
If You Press (4) Button So A Bike Will Be Spawned On Front tommy, and bike will be following to tommy.And if you press (5) Button So the camera view will move behind the bike, and you'll be able to see where Tommy's bike is. When you press the (5) button again, the camera view will be restored, meaning it will return behind Tommy. And when you press the (4) button again, your bike will be destroyed.
If You Are In Water So Tommy Will Be Automatic come out of the water
**Note:** Don't Save Your Game If Your Player Is Superalien, If You Player Is Not Superalien So You Can Save Your Game.!

Installation Instructions:

Open the Add In Game folder.
Copy or cut the three files and folder found inside.
Navigate to your GTA Vice City folder and paste them there.
Add Files to GTA3.img Using IMGTOOL:

Open the Add In (GTA3.img) With IMGTOOL folder.
Inside, you will find four files: alien.dff, alien.txd, IMGTOOL, and README.
Navigate to your GTA Vice City folder, find and open the MODELS folder.
Locate and open the GTA3.img file in IMGTOOL.
Add the two files (alien.dff and alien.txd) to GTA3.img.
After adding the files, select the Rebuild Archive option.
Once the archive is rebuilt, the mod will be installed.

? Enjoy the new experience and have fun!

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Superalien For GTA Vice City
Superalien For GTA Vice City Superalien For GTA Vice City Superalien For GTA Vice City Superalien For GTA Vice City Superalien For GTA Vice City Superalien For GTA Vice City Superalien For GTA Vice City

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