
GTA Vice City: Maps

Solid Vice City Bottom

Author: Lainztocrat51, DimZet
Date: 05.09.2022
Downloads: 6727
Filesize: 4.079 MB

10.00 based on 8 votes

This mod also known as "Walk On The Bottom" solidifies the seabed of gta vice city, lightens the darkest areas and fills in the incomplete areas where only a gray hell is seen.
With this it is now possible to walk or drive underwater like in san andreas, believe me you will want to have this mod in your vice city, and a pretty cool detail is that when you destroy the ships, they touch the bottom instead of disappearing into the sand.

Este mod también conocido como "Walk On The Bottom" solidifica el fondo marino de gta vice city, aclara las zonas mas oscurecidas y rellena las zonas incompletas en donde solo se ve un infierno gris.
Con esto ahora es posible caminar o conducir debajo del agua como en san andreas, créeme que querrás tener este mod en tu vice city, y un detalle bastante genial es que cuando destruyas los barcos, estos tocan el fondo en lugar de desaparecer en la arena.

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Solid Vice City Bottom
Solid Vice City Bottom Solid Vice City Bottom

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