
GTA San Andreas Weapons


Weapon packs

SA Style Weapons Pack (2022)

Author: EvMiSay, Bufler, Firefly, camil1999, daniltk2
Date: 19.06.2022
Downloads: 20881
Filesize: 0.903 MB

10.00 based on 12 votes

Pack de armas sencillo. "Hecho" para aquellos que disfrutan la estetica original del juego y quieran un pack de armas sencillo.

No soy el autor de las armas. Solo realice algunas modificaciones, como la posicion de algunas de las armas, el cambio de texturas, el eliminar el efecto de disparo 3d que poseen las armas originales, y corregir algunos detalles menores (la mira frontal del m4).

Todo el credito es para: EvMiSay, Bufler, Firefly, camil1999, daniltk2.

Simple weapon pack. "Made" for those who enjoy the original aesthetic of the game and want a simple weapon pack.

I am not the author of weapons. Just make some modifications, like the position of some of the weapons, the change of textures, the elimination of the 3d shooting effect that the original weapons have, and correct some minor details (the front sight of the m4).

All credit goes to: EvMiSay, Bufler, Firefly, camil1999, daniltk2.

PS: I don't speak english (thanks google translate)

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SA Style Weapons Pack (2022)
SA Style Weapons Pack (2022) SA Style Weapons Pack (2022) SA Style Weapons Pack (2022) SA Style Weapons Pack (2022) SA Style Weapons Pack (2022) SA Style Weapons Pack (2022) SA Style Weapons Pack (2022)

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