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Author: | shinka |
Date: | 06.03.2022 | 1247 Downloads |
Filesize: | 0.155 MB |
Rating: | 10.00 based on 1 votes |
The COP .357 is a 4-shot Derringer-type pistol chambered for .357 Magnum. The double-action weapon is about twice as wide, and substantially heavier than the typical .25 automatic pistol, though its relatively compact size and powerful cartridge made it an option for a defensive weapon or a police backup gun. It was designed by Robert Hillberg, based on his earlier work on the Hillberg Insurgency Weapon. It was manufactured by the now defunct COP Inc. of California, US (COP stood for Compact Off-Duty Police). In 1990 it was manufactured by American Derringer for a short time.
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