
GTA San Andreas Mods


ENB Series

HaX EnB v2

Author: ShenHAX | Email
Date: 31.08.2016
Downloads: 5665 | Statistics
Filesize: 13.449 MB

10.00 based on 6 votes

Hello everyone! This is my 2nd enb, it contains many features and its like a collection of some of the best graphics mods for gta sa and its mainly for low pc gamers :)
Though I put the most effort in this betterment of this mod there still could be numerous bugs so please make sure you rate the mod and drop a comment if you have any feedback.
HaX_EnB_v2 Features-
Nice HD ENB (Remade 4 low pc's)
Cleo4 & Asi Loader
OverDose Effects
Shadows and IMFX Lensflare
HD Timecycle (Remade 4 low pc's)
HD ColorMod (Remade 4 low pc's)
HD Bloom (Remade 4 low pc's)
Extreme Draw Distance (2dFX)
Nice Refelection (Remade 4 low pc's)
Sticky Camera Mod (Use [ to enable and ] to disable)
Disabled Heat Haze and Speed Motion Blur (For More FPS)
And Many More........
HaX_EnB_v2 Installation-
Copy The Contents of "TO GTA SA DIRECTORY" folder and paste in your gta sa folder.
HaX_EnB_v2 Credits-

Rockstar Games- GTA San Andreas
Boris Vorontsov- ENBSeries
SilentPL- Silent Asi Loader
Seemaan and Deji- Cleo
Function-X- Overdose Effects
DK22Pac aka _DK- lensflare (IMFX) and Shadows
ShenHAX- Timecyc & Enb Config
Ryosuke- ColorMod
TJGM- Project 2dfx
mancjsys- Vehicle Collision Physsics
Rakesh Nama- Heat Haze and Sticky camera mod
JustinAppleMod- No Motion Blur

And many more which helped to make this mod better...

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HaX EnB v2
HaX EnB v2 HaX EnB v2 HaX EnB v2 HaX EnB v2 HaX EnB v2 HaX EnB v2 HaX EnB v2

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