
GTA San Andreas Mods


CLEO Modifications

Weapon KIT mod

Author: jojo2971 | Email
Date: 30.01.2016
Downloads: 8825 | Statistics
Filesize: 0.487 MB

10.00 based on 3 votes

This mod allows to obtain a weapon kit of 1 to 9 with the code "kit".

installation: .. you just copy the file "Weapon KIT.cs" and paste it into the folder "cleo" in gta san andreas.

To activate the mod write "kit".

Then choose a kit between 1 and 9 on your keyboard (The 0 allows to disable the mod).

This list shows the weapons contained in each kit by default. You can change the contents of kits as you want.

kit 1 :
- Grenade teargas
- Knife
- Silenced
- sniper

kit 2 :
- Grenade
- Knife
- Automatic Shotgun
- AK47

kit 3 :
- Grenade
- Knife
- colt45
- M4

kit 4 :
- Grenade teargas
- Knife
- Silenced
- MP5

kit 5 :
- explosive charge
- Knife
- Shotgun
- Country Rifle

kit 6 :
- Grenade
- Knife
- Micro UZI

kit 7 :
- Grenade teargas
- Knife
- Rocket launcher guided missile
- Tec9

kit 8 :
- Molotov
- Knife
- Desert Eagle
- Flame thrower

kit 9 :
- knife
- Colt45
- Shotgun
- Minigun

Note :
- To change the weapons in the kits will require download Sanny Builder to modify the .cs files.
- A tutorial to show you how change the weapons was created on youtube, the link is in the folder "Tuto English".
- You can also add or remove weapons in the kits, just delete one of lines that gives you a weapon or copy and paste the new line by changing the number of the weapon.
- You can not put two weapons of the same class in the same kit because the first weapon will be replaced by the second, as in the weapon magazin.

Tutorial to know the number of weapons added :
- To know which are the number of weapons that you have added, just search the file 'weapons.txt' in the folder 'GTA-SanAndreas' (if you do not have this file, it means that you don' have not downloaded the mod "Weapon Limit Adjuster" of Ryosuke), copy the file and paste it on your desktop by renaming "exemple : Weapon list.txt", Then do as for the file "weapon list.txt" than I provides by replacing the numbers too much by 0, 1, 2 (as the other file).
- Once you know the numbers of your additional weapon you can replace the weapons in the kits by those added (or let those of bases if you prefer).

Sorry for my bad english.

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Weapon KIT mod
Weapon KIT mod Weapon KIT mod Weapon KIT mod Weapon KIT mod Weapon KIT mod Weapon KIT mod Weapon KIT mod

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