Author: | RizkyDewantoro Website | Email |
Date: | 28.02.2014 |
Downloads: | 20778 | Statistics |
Filesize: | 0.161 MB |
Rating: | 9.00 based on 16 votes |
Yeti or Scary Snowmen is a large Primate that resembles humans who inhabit the region of the Himalayas in Nepal and Tibet.[1][2] the names Yeti and Meh-Teh common facilities used extensively by natives in the area, [3] and is part of the story of their history and mythology. People of Nepal also called it Bonmanche, meaning "wild man" or "Kanchanjunga rachyyas" which means "Kanchanjunga Satan."
Copy yeti.cs to your GTA-SanAndreas\CLEO folder
Add yeti.dff and yeti.txd to gta3.img using and IMGTool
Yeti atau Manusia Salju Menakutkan adalah sejenis primata besar yang menyerupai manusia yang menghuni wilayah pegunungan Himalaya di Nepal dan Tibet.[1][2] Nama Yeti dan Meh-Teh umummnya digunakan secara luas oleh penduduk asli di wilayah tersebut, [3] dan merupakan bagian dari kisah sejarah dan mitologi mereka. Orang-orang Nepal juga menyebutnya Bonmanche yang berarti "manusia liar" atau "Kanchanjunga rachyyas" yang berarti "Iblis Kanchanjunga."
Salin yeti.cs ke folder GTA-SanAndreas\CLEO punyamu
Tambah yeti.dff dan yeti.txd di gta3.img menggunakan IMGTool
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