
GTA San Andreas Mods


CLEO Modifications

Weapon Scrolling GTA V to GTA SA

Author: Raser's
Date: 31.12.2013
Downloads: 116500 | Statistics
Filesize: 1.17 MB

7.82 based on 93 votes

Scrolling Weapon GTA V to GTA SA

This time I will share a special mod to the end of this year and I congratulate the Christmas and New Year for those who celebrate .


((((-----It is a scroll weapon mod like in GTA V and for GTA SA , This mod is not made by me but I found this on a site mod gta brazil----))))


1 . How to Install
2 . commands
3 . special Thanks

================================================== ==================
1 . How to Install

Just copy the files from the " SA " to the directory of your gta , and add the file " weapc.ifp " of folder " GTA3 " in gta3.img

- Stream.INI ( Required )
- Sddwg.ASI ( Required )
- Radarrect.ASI ( If you want the Tadar " GTA V " )
- GTA_IV_HUD.ASI ( If you want the hud " GTA IV " )

================================================== =================
2 . commands
To activate the HUD press TAB + 1 , to the next page press A ,
press D to go back , or use the scroll , the system of the GUI ( the mouse ) .

Open config.ini
- WeaponsScrollable : not to change weapons by scrolling .
- Sounds : choose 1 a 4 , if you want you can active / deactivate

================================================== =================
3 . special Thanks

- Sounds : Junior_djjr
- Weapon Hud : Hue
- Scripts : Rias_Gremory
- Anim : NIaNM
- Help : Fabio

Original Author : Thayná Pedersen

Author : Raser 's
Email : [email protected]

Visit my BLOG :

NOTICE : You may not publish it without asking my permission (Raser's) because this mod will be protection with copyright© . you can share this mod in another site give my name Raser's FQ

Sorry for my bad ENGLISH

Mod Report

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Weapon Scrolling GTA V to GTA SA
Weapon Scrolling GTA V to GTA SA Weapon Scrolling GTA V to GTA SA

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