Author: | The AnonMod ANG | Email |
Date: | 12.05.2012 |
Downloads: | 12094 | Statistics |
Filesize: | 2.863 MB |
Rating: | 5.43 based on 356 votes |
<<< Dead Gang v.3 : The Funeral Soldier's >>>
Author : Cleo Code & Script by theanonmod ANG
BMYBOUN and WMYBOUN texture by theanonmod ANG
Pocong and Kuntilanak by VoidioV
Weapon models by unknown person
Skeleton models by unknown person
E-Mail Me : [email protected]
Website : -
<<< Description >>>
When you near to Chementery in Vinewood (see map) you will attacked by some funeral soldiers..
they have a lot of money :)
and there is a bodyguard will help you to kill a police, and the funeral soldiers if they try out to the city...
<<< How To Install >>>
<<< English >>>
---you need Cleo 3 or newer to use this mod
---put DeadGang3.cs and DeadGang3Script01.cs to CLEO folder
---open gta3.img with imgtools or alci's img editor
---add all files in "add" folder
---before replacing don't forget to make a backup
---replace all files in "replace" folder
---save or rebuild
---play and have fun
<<< Bahasa Indonesia >>>
---kamu butuh Cleo 3 atau yang terbarunya untuk menggunakan mod ini
---letakan DeadGang3.cs dan DeadGang3Script01.cs di CLEO folder
---buka gta3.img dengan imgtools atau alci's img editor
---tambahkan semua file di dalam folder "add"
---sebelum mereplace, jangan lupa membackup
---replace semua file dengan file di dalam folder "replace"
<<< Thanks & Credits >>>
---First for Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad SAW
---For mom and dad
---My beloved country and all of INDONESIAN MODER
---Much credits and thanks to Seemann for Sannybuilder
---oCain for Coordsaver
---TheAnonMod ANG (ME)
---Zub Sparrow46
---VoidioV for model
---Seejay Seaman :) (great job)
---TheSilentsaw for inspiration
---X RPL A Class and all people for support me
---Delfi - Jernej L. for Garage Mod Manager and TXDworkshop
---thanks to you for downloading...
This CLEO runs great on my Laptop (no bug or crash)
Note : If you only have RAM 2GB, i recomended to use StreamMemFix
You're free to distribute this mod by internet or by any media, provided it is in your original package AND KEEP THE CREDIT OF THE AUTHOR.
Sorry if my English is very bad :) because I'm Indonesian
©Copyright 2012 by Angki Ang
Are you the owner of this mod? If someone has stolen your work, you can make a request for removing this mod.