Author: | zerocoolns Website | Email |
Date: | 04.09.2010 |
Downloads: | 59578 | Statistics |
Filesize: | 0.626 MB |
Rating: | 5.44 based on 2558 votes |
Ultimate CarControl
In this Mod
You can open:
Every single Door
Commands are easy
1# To enable open/close doors, bonnet and boot you have to press/hold + on number pad
2# To disable opening doors hold - on numpad [when you are done with opening and you want to drive car you have to press - on numpad because it can open when you are driving]
3# Commands:
To open doors boot boonet you will use:
Number 4-6-1-3 to open doors [numpad]
boonet 5 [numpad]
and boot 2 [numpad]
Just put all .cs files [door1,2,3,4,5,6]
into your cleo folder
You have to have cleo installated
This is v.1 mod
Dont Upload this mod on other sites! or make changes in mod!
U ovom modu mocice te :
Da otvorite posebno svaka vrata
i Gepek
1# Kako bi mogli otvarat i zatvarat morate pritisnut/drzat + na numpadu
2# Kako bi ugasili da mozete da otvarate i zatvarate drzite - na num padu[ tokom voznje kad zavrsite sa otvaranjem pritisnite - jer se tokom voznje mogu otvorit sva vrata i ostalo xD]
Komande su sledece:
Brojevi 4-6-1-3 na numpadu za otvaranje vrata
hauba 5
i gepek 2
samo prebacite sve .cs fajlove u cleo folder i to je to :P
Usput ovo je v.1 mod
Are you the owner of this mod? If someone has stolen your work, you can make a request for removing this mod.