
GTA San Andreas Mods


CLEO Modifications

Avionics SAMP [Lua script] 0.1.7-beta.2001

Author: d7.KrEoL
Date: 21.01.2025
Downloads: 546 | Statistics
Filesize: 32.154 MB

10.00 based on 1 votes

Script that displays flight information you may need in plane or helicopter. Allows 3 different modes: Navigation/Visual range airfight(dogfight)/Air-to-ground/Long range airfight. Hotkeys and systems can be switched/changed in main menu.

1 - change mode (prev)
3 - change mode (next)
4 - open script menu (currently only avaliable on Russian language)
[ - change waypoint (prev)
] - change waypoint (next)
Backspace - drop target lock

/swavionics /avionix /swav - open main menu window
/setwpt - set current waypoint number
/swcam - switch camera/plane view
/swmag - (For helis) use magnet
/addwpt [X] [Y] [Z] - Add waypoint by its coordinates
/clearwpt - Clear all waypoint list
/autopilot /swapt - Start autopilot (to current waypoint)
/swapto - Turnoff autopilot (you can take controls any time without command, just press any plane control key)
/wptcam /tarcam - (in-cam) show current waypoint (fixed-view)
/tarwpt - (in-cam, only in fixed-mode) add waypoint from current camera look-at position
/vehwpt - add waypoint from current plane/heli position
/swamode /swam [Mode number] - set avionics working mode (0 - Navigation, 1 - VRF 2 - GRD 3 - LRF)
/swazoom /swaz [Latency] - Set camera zoom speed (lower values means faster), but be careful, values less than 100 can cause loading
/idppm /idwpt - Set player with id as a target in LRF mode
/raceppm /racewpt - Add waypoint from server's race checkpoint
/markppm /markwpt - Add waypoint from player's map marker
/ldfp [filename] /safp [filename] - Load waypoints from flight plan (located in /moonloader/resource/avionics/flightplan)
/savefp /svfp - Save current waypoints as flight plan

For English-speaking users I also recommend to switch speech informant from РИТА to BETTY in main menu (Bottom-right menu button: "Речевой информатор: РИТА/BETTY")

Official script's English WIKI:

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Avionics SAMP [Lua script] 0.1.7-beta.2001
Avionics SAMP [Lua script] 0.1.7-beta.2001 Avionics SAMP [Lua script] 0.1.7-beta.2001 Avionics SAMP [Lua script] 0.1.7-beta.2001 Avionics SAMP [Lua script] 0.1.7-beta.2001 Avionics SAMP [Lua script] 0.1.7-beta.2001 Avionics SAMP [Lua script] 0.1.7-beta.2001 Avionics SAMP [Lua script] 0.1.7-beta.2001

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