
GTA San Andreas Mods


CLEO Modifications

Gang Wars Control v1.0

Author: fan script, plugin sdk, MTA
Date: 09.12.2023
Downloads: 6198 | Statistics
Filesize: 1.227 MB

9.86 based on 7 votes

dzisiaj mam dla moich fanów

mod gang wars control

to mod dzięki któremu cj może kontrolować i, wywołać
wojny gangów


1 wojny ze wszystkimi gangami nie tylko z dwoma
2 możliwość ustawienia trudnosci walki
3 mod posiada zmodyfikowany wywoływacz wojen
4 mod posiada custom skaner zaczepek
5 mod działa na 1 to 9 gangs
6 mod pozwala walczyć nawet z groove street gangiem

uwaga mój mod nie jest podróbką (ex gang wars by
i nie zawiera zródeł

mój mod nie koloruje stref gangu jak to robi (ex gang wars by

ale koloruje markery i ikonki na radarze

mój mod bazuje na adresach gang wars
i modyfikacjach warości

adresy mam z plugin sdk i mta
nic nie jest kradzione

pobierz, sprawdż, oceń i skomentuj


Today I have for my fans

mod gang wars control

This is a mod thanks to which CJ can control and, call
Gang wars


1 wars with all gangs not only with two
2 Possibility to set the difficulty of the fight
3 mod has a modified war call
4 mod has a custom hitch scanner
5 mod works on 1 to 9 gangs
6 mod allows you to fight even with Groove Street Gang

Attention my mod is not a fake (ex gang wars by
and does not contain sources

My mod does not color gang zones as he does it (ex gang wars by

But it colores markers and icons on the radar

My mod is based on gang wars addresses
and modifications of the value

I have addresses from the SDK and MTA plugin
Nothing is stolen

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Gang Wars Control v1.0
Gang Wars Control v1.0 Gang Wars Control v1.0 Gang Wars Control v1.0

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