
GTA San Andreas Mods


CLEO Modifications

Manhunt Sneak Kills v2.0

Author: ArtemQa146
Date: 05.12.2023
Downloads: 13389 | Statistics
Filesize: 1.129 MB

9.95 based on 20 votes

This mod adds various animations of killing from the back of the game Manhunt. Everything is decorated in the style of Manhunt, during the murder the camera effect (can be disabled in the .ini file), sounds, etc. When you approach the victim from behind, a red light will light up above her (you can configure and disable it in the .ini file). After that, press the left mouse button and enjoy. At the moment there are 6 animations of the murder.
There are the following conditions for murder: You should not have a wanted level and your victim should not receive damage from you before that.

Mod has been redesigned, trying to look as natural and logical as possible in the game.
- The type of killing depends on what kind of weapon the player has in his hand. At the moment, there are several types;
1. Without weapons - 5 animations;
2. Knife - 2 animations. After killing, you lose your weapon;
3. Bits - 2 animations. After killing, you lose your weapon;
4. Katana - 2 animations. After killing, you lose your weapon.
- Now to make a kill, you need to chase your victim for some time until the "Concentration" reaches the desired level (The icon above the victim will turn red and rotate more actively, and the player will also raise his right hand). This is how it works in the game Manhunt. Concentration gains a level faster when the player has a knife, a bat or a katana;
- If you chase the victim for a long time or get too close, the victim will react to the player, start running away or get into a fight;
- The script has been almost completely rewritten, the optimization and performance of the script have been improved.

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Manhunt Sneak Kills v2.0
Manhunt Sneak Kills v2.0 Manhunt Sneak Kills v2.0

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