
GTA San Andreas Mods


CLEO Modifications

Heli Pilots - Police Maverick and News Chopper

Author: likesner | Email
Date: 10.10.2020
Downloads: 12677 | Statistics
Filesize: 10.471 KB

10.00 based on 7 votes

!!! 13. 10. 00:42 - Bugfix !!!

Please update if you downloaded the mod before this date.

In this update i have fixed a bug, i was working on other mods, some of them involved swat guys, which normally spawn at 4 stars. I set the wanted level required for this mod to activate to 4 instead of 3 by mistake. This caused the mod recognize the helis only after getting 4 stars, even though the first police maverick appears at 3 stars.

I hate bugs, so if you encounter any, please let me know!

Take out helis Rambo style! This mod puts pilots into up to two police mavericks and one news chopper. The police mavericks also have a passenger. If you shoot the pilot, the heli will crash land and the passenger will jump out.

This mod uses Cleomodlar's flying animation. I have his permission for this. Download it here:

Copy the flyfix.ifp file to your modloader directory, or if you're not using modloader, import it to gta3.img.

As always, check the ini file for details and settings.

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Heli Pilots - Police Maverick and News Chopper
Heli Pilots - Police Maverick and News Chopper Heli Pilots - Police Maverick and News Chopper Heli Pilots - Police Maverick and News Chopper Heli Pilots - Police Maverick and News Chopper Heli Pilots - Police Maverick and News Chopper Heli Pilots - Police Maverick and News Chopper Heli Pilots - Police Maverick and News Chopper

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