
GTA San Andreas Mods


CLEO Modifications

GTA 4 Style Pickup System (VIP)

Author: fan script
Date: 26.07.2019
Downloads: 10984 | Statistics
Filesize: 0.312 MB

Rating: Disabled

dzisiaj mam dla moich fanów

gta 4 style pickup system, vip

to jest skrypt który tworzy inny styl pickupów

np jak aktor ma broń to ta sama broń pojawia się na ziemi
i jest oznaczona światłem

też ma inną zaletę
jak to jest swat albo army albo fbi członek
wtedy razem z bronią pojawia się jego kamizelka kuloodporna

skrypt bardzo stabilny 99%
nie kradziony
skrypt otwarty

zobacz fotki i pobieraj

today I have for my fans

gta 4 styles pickup system, vip

this is a script that creates a different pickup style

for example, if an actor has a weapon, the same weapon appears on the ground
and it is marked with light

also has another advantage
what a swat or army or fbi member is
then together with the weapon appears his bulletproof vest

very stable script 99%
not stolen
script open :)

see photos and download

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GTA 4 Style Pickup System (VIP)
GTA 4 Style Pickup System (VIP) GTA 4 Style Pickup System (VIP) GTA 4 Style Pickup System (VIP) GTA 4 Style Pickup System (VIP) GTA 4 Style Pickup System (VIP) GTA 4 Style Pickup System (VIP)

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