
GTA San Andreas Mods


CLEO Modifications

Simplified Ped Spawner Version 2.0

Author: Sameshine2k18
Date: 10.05.2019
Downloads: 16220 | Statistics
Filesize: 98.829 KB

10.00 based on 8 votes

Simplified Ped Spawner Version 2.0

So i haven't really played San Andreas for quite some time now But this one mod i been had some fun with... Modified the script to offer myself and users alike more control over spawned recruits.

The script has been reformulated and put back together. Almost all spawn handling has been linked to one central location.. Not entirely necessary but is much better from an onlookers perspective and much easier to handle from an editors perspective in case of any further modifications needing to be done. I don't believe i be doing much if any modding anytime soon though as i will need to be channeling my time and energy into different directions. Got stuff to do; other things to get done.

This script now has various options to control spawned recruits, will be too much to list every DETAIL here so it's best you read the text provided in the download.

Ctrl + Z to launch the mod, further info is shown so you'll remember what keys do what in terms of the main navigation of the menu.. Shown only once per usage of the mod (on the main screen only)

Up and down keys to navigate listed items
Sprint key to select Enter/Exit vehicle to go back from a menu section
Alt to exit the mod; if you are on the main screen

Spawned recruits can now be released

Can be told to stay in a vehicle if you and the actor is already in inside

If you are both on foot actor can be told to go and wait in your vehicle if he or she had been in the vehicle at least once doors will be opened automatically if they are locked

Can be told to wait somewhere on foot

With all instances the actor can be released and come to you whenever you want...You can let them stay then leave and go distances and come back to get them, they will not remain still when you call them to come to you

You can control whether they go inside interiors with you (like homes and stuff)

If you jump out of a helicopter or plane being high enough and you be given a parachute you will provide a save in order to rescue the actor from dying

Sex animations can be done if you want to have some fun. Its not essentially an 18+ mod but it can be if you want it to be. But nonetheless they're are no explicit images listed here on this page so it all boils down to what the user wants to do with the mod.

If you initiate a blowjob keypress when inside a vehicle you will be offered two options where you can either accept a blowjob or have the girl climb on top (Disclaimer: I am not the creator of that animation but I'm not sure where i got it, if someone can tell me i will give the credits)

Quite a few different controls are offered ranging from muting the actor to letting the actors not shoot enemies you shoot while still shoot at someone if they get shot at. Much more info is listed, just read the info provided in the download.

*If the actor is a male and you try to be intimate he will get angry based on what it is you suggest he do, he may try to kill you

Very easy controls once you get to know them
Download, you'll like it :)

As for I this tummy is empty, but i dnt knw what the hell is in this shitty house i can get to eat but i upload these during the night because if i don't do it at this time i probably wouldn't upload them during the day time because i would likely to be preoccupied with different stuff so that's that really, anyway laterz.

And yes, Ryder and Big Smoke were not listed in the previous version but i did so on purpose because while putting the script together i remember they had died during the story-line that is why they were not listed but since someone seem to be interested in having them included they are now listed in this version in the specials section.

**User woutflorian from GTAInside made mention previously that Michelle Cannes half naked was spawned looking wired.. This was not due to the script but rather because of a wrong texture file in some GTA game copies. You can see mention of the issue here

For convenience I have provided you with the .txd file that is already fixed in this download you just need to put it in your game in order to use it so she does not look wired anymore...

Any yes, the script is very much stable and not problematic.

*Sorry, I'm all over the place with this description i need some food I'm all out of energy...Anyways download the mod and check it out.

I have updated all my other mods in some way or another, mostly some minor stuff though not like this one. This mod was mostly redone to cut the script size in half and added a lot of new stuff Check my profile

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Simplified Ped Spawner Version 2.0
Simplified Ped Spawner Version 2.0 Simplified Ped Spawner Version 2.0 Simplified Ped Spawner Version 2.0 Simplified Ped Spawner Version 2.0 Simplified Ped Spawner Version 2.0 Simplified Ped Spawner Version 2.0

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