
GTA San Andreas Mods


Mods for GTA SA Mobile

GTA V - Ocelot XA-21 (Only DFF)

Author: B0L4S / Automan | Email
Date: 21.04.2019
Downloads: 17306 | Statistics
Filesize: 0.948 MB

10.00 based on 7 votes

"To those who argue that the supercar is dead and hybrid tech was only a fad, the XA-21 would like a word as soon as it's done banging your mom. And when you're done saying thank you, it'll show you the kind of annihilating performance that can only be achieved by locking a team of world-class engineers in a lab for six months and lacing their food with amphetamines. This is the cutting edge. And you're welcome. "

v4: Textures improvement.

This mod has 2 bodykit variants, 2 lines of color and compatibility with autospoiler feature.

NOTE: This vehicle is Autospoiler Mod compatible, so to activate you need to put the .csa files, that it's on the zip, on your GTA SA folder with cleo (spoiler will open automatically at 60mph or if you touch button number 9 in screen). 
DM-me if you don't know how to do it. 

Known issue: Back boot open inverted. Unfortunately I don't know how to solve this.. :(

If you notice any other visual imperfection or glitch, report it to me so I can fix it.

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Credits for: Rockstar Games / Automan

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GTA V - Ocelot XA-21 (Only DFF)
GTA V - Ocelot XA-21 (Only DFF) GTA V - Ocelot XA-21 (Only DFF) GTA V - Ocelot XA-21 (Only DFF)

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