Another next version which I added something new and something to be removed. At this point you'll no longer start in San Ferrio but you start in anywhere but don't start it in interiors or a else you'll drop and die! (Darn it, forgot to block while your in interiors)
The 2nd version adds, of army of solider in area 69 with spotlights with 2 weapons at the bottom, well stacked pizza for sure in San Fierro (where you started in version 1), Bobby and 2 soldiers (at the tunnel entrance), anyways I just remove these survivors where start at in verson 1 (to prevent actor balls from zombies, but I'll bring them back in version 3), music player (type "music") and zombie spawning options (type "spawn")
It just only 2 zombies Mini-games can found in the sewerage v3 (downloaded map) and restore back to fog.
Download the sewers v3 mod 'cause a mini mission with Bobby will take place of the sewers and even zombies will also spawn in the sewers too!
I recommended to either start a new game or DYOM zone. The only issue is when load a game from 50%-100% progress will mess up some the bomb counters for Bobby's short mission, or something else. One tiny issue is that when you enter area 69, at least 1 or 2 zombies become an actor ball.
So press 7 to start Zombie Apocalypse in current area.
This is based on the walking dead TV show.
To end the uprising, just type "exit" this will immediately make the zombies vanish instantly. |