
GTA San Andreas Mods


CLEO Modifications

Light Combat Vehicle V1.1

Author: jojo2971 | Email
Date: 24.09.2017
Downloads: 11477 | Statistics
Filesize: 1.917 MB

10.00 based on 3 votes

This mod add a new vehicle in the game.

To have the list of vehicles write "LCV" in the game.
Choose the vehicle that you want. There are 4 different categories :
> The turret :
|_ The turret turn in the direction of the camera as the tank.
|_ You can rotate the turret to the top with the arrow up and down with the arrow down.
|_ To shoot press the CTRL key.
|_ This vehicle allows to shoot on ground and air targets.
> The radar :
|_ To enable or disable the radar press M.
|_ The radar can spot the police and army vehicles that will be dispayed on your radar.
> The samsite :
|_ To enable or disable the samsite press M.
|_ The samsite rotate in the direction of the air vehicles when they are locate by the samsite.
|_ When the samsite locates the air vehicles, he shoot a missile that will follow the vehicle until explode.
|_ The samsite can explode and damage the vehicle if it is destroyed, so you must protect it from explosions.
|_ This vehicle allows to shoot on air targets.
> The canon :
|_ The canon turn in the direction of the camera as the tank.
|_ To shoot press the CTRL key.
|_ This vehicle allows to shoot on ground targets.

If you enter in a building, or you die, or the vehicle is destroyed or you are too far away from the vehicle (more than 200 m) so the vehicle will disappear.

Note :
- You can put more vehicles by modifying a line of code. To do this, make a copy of the "Light Combat Vehicles.cs" file, open the copy with sannybuilder and then in the line "0ADC: test_cheat" LCV "" you just have to modify the code by another one (by exemple "LCVA" for the first file and "LCVB" for the second created so it will have to write LCVA in the game to have the first vehicle and LCVB to have the second). More you make copies, more you have vehicles until you reach the limit (if you put too much the game crash).
If you want to add more vehicles you will need sanny builder to modify the .cs files.

- The new combat vehicle equipped with a samsite or a radar can sometimes have difficulties to spot the vehicles, I don't know why and I can't solve this problem. However the mod work very well despite some small defects.

- Avoid saving your game while all the vehicles have not disappeared to avoid problems later. Make a copy of your backups to be able to go back in case of problem.

Update 14/07/2020 :
- Reduction and change of global variables to avoid bugs and incompatibilities with other mods and certain missions.
- Optimization and reorganization of the code.
For the moment I only realized the minimum. As this mod is a bit complex I need a little time to relearn how it works. Later I will see if I can correct some small problems such as:
|_ The Sam Site vehicle systematically changes targets when there are several vehicles around (for example the missile moves towards 2 helicopters at the same time).
|_ Sometimes the Radar and the Sam Site fail to locate certain vehicles for unknown reason.
|_ The movement of the Sam Site missile would need some adjustments to have a correct speed and to go straight towards the target.
|_ The canon sometimes shoots too high, it may need to be adjusted.
I've already made a lot of changes to my mods these days, so I don't promise that these additional changes will be made right away.

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Light Combat Vehicle V1.1
Light Combat Vehicle V1.1 Light Combat Vehicle V1.1 Light Combat Vehicle V1.1 Light Combat Vehicle V1.1 Light Combat Vehicle V1.1 Light Combat Vehicle V1.1 Light Combat Vehicle V1.1

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