
GTA San Andreas Mods


ENB Series

XIIV Reborn

Author: Balach, Anton Zabaznov, DIMEN, Angeas, Boris Voronsov | Email
Date: 22.08.2017
Downloads: 21818 | Statistics
Filesize: 24.741 MB

10.00 based on 12 votes

Author of first ENB Set up: Anton Zabaznov
Author of new settings: Balach
Authors of some new effects: DIMEN, Angeas
Author of ENB Series modification: Boris Voronsov

- The setting made for medium and powerful PCs
- This ENB was tested by many people and its looked different on different PCs
- Didn't working on Windows 8/10
- For Turning On / Off use Shift + F12 keys combination
- Game brightness should be setted at the lowest level on Game Settings

ENB features:
- Based on ENB 0.306 (one dll file)
- Pretty color spectrum
- Timecyc from original XIIV ENB were remade
- Nice and Soft Shadows
- Qualitative SSAO Settings
- Adjusted Water Settings
- Qualitative Bloom Settings
- Dynamic DoF
- Added different extra graphics options, which you can install ('Options' folder)
- Added exdisp.asi & flickr.asi plugins
- PerPixelLighting(cleo) included

Differences between XIIV and XIIV Reborn:
- ENB Settings based on ONE DLL library (old XIIV version working with 5 DLL Libraries), therefore less memory loading on the System and Game
- ENB Settings maximally closed to the game's atmosphere
- Fixed bug with car's vehiclelights texture, when with working ENB car ceased to display the texture of the headlight glow (Depends on the car mod itself)
- Fixed bug with car shadows, when with working ENB appeared a lot of shadow spots
- Added different DoF set ups
- Added SaGFX support (reflections only)

Known bugs & issues:
- Reflections on cars are too specular (impossible to fix)
- Spots along the edges of the car with a foreshortening from below (This setting of shadows, this bug can be removed by setting ShadowBlurRange to 0.00, but the shadows themselves will not be very nice on some car mods)
- When setting the Imitation Motion Blur option from the DoF folder, the car has a "ghost", in the screenshots with this DoF it can be seen
- When you install the Bokeh DoF by A.Zabaznov option from the DoF folder, you will have to wait for about 1 minute after the game has entered (depends from the PC configuration)
- When installing the SaGFX 0.3 option, some cars will be completely white, since they don't support the modification itself
- When setting the SaGFX 0.3 option, Don't turn on DoF, since it does not work correctly with GFX itself

Special Thanks:
- Alfa Modding Studio
- Boris Vorontsov - for ENB Series
- Hanan-SRB - for testing, advices
- Mad Driver - for English translation of ReadMe file, testing, advices
- Angeas - for SaGFX settings, advices
- DIMEN - for helping with ENB Settings, testing, advices and video-review
- D.Alekseevich - for testing, advices, screenshots
- And all others who helps me and wathing for this project

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XIIV Reborn
XIIV Reborn XIIV Reborn XIIV Reborn XIIV Reborn XIIV Reborn XIIV Reborn XIIV Reborn

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