
GTA San Andreas Maps


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Add-On Maps by PontiacMan

Author: PontiacMan | Email
Date: 27.11.2008
Downloads: 3746 | Statistics
Filesize: 6.722 MB

5.21 based on 1244 votes

This includes two of my best works that I probably have ever done in a while, I include a version for single player not modified to carry people or what not just a map, I also include a SA:MP version with the code and the files needed to run it on a server of yours. Also please put my name in the credits of your server. Do not modify to claim that it is yours whatever you do if you want to modify it please send an email to me about it so I can confirm it. I play SA:MP alot mostly on AU server which is Hydra Blast. Well hope you guys like it :), The maps are located on the highway near the Los Santos Forum.. the highway that runs along the edge of the coast of LS, they are easy to spot.

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Add-On Maps by PontiacMan

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