
GTA San Andreas Maps


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Steep House

Author: Wezzex
Date: 07.07.2021
Downloads: 12539 | Statistics
Filesize: 0.385 MB

8.50 based on 6 votes

---------------------------------| Español | ----------------------------------------------

Esta Modificacion Añade una en Un Acantilado Cerca del Bosque De Gta SA , Añade Un Vehiculo en el aparqueadero , un disco de guardado y como siempre . . . Una linda vista!

---------------------------------| Ingles | ---------------------------------------------------

This Mod Add One On A Cliff Near The Forest From Gta SA, Add A Vehicle In The Parking Lot, A Save Disk And As Always. . . A nice sight!

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Requiere de Modloader , Cleo 4 // Requires Modloader, Cleo 4


Este Mod fue algo tardado ya que me tarde casi 2 meses haciéndolo por problemas con mi computadora y Problemas con Sketchup , 3ds max etc (hasta se me daño la pc!) , pero milagrosamente logre terminarlo y aqui lo tienen :D
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This Mod was a bit slow since it took me almost 2 months to do it due to problems with my computer and Problems with Sketchup, 3ds max etc (I even damaged my pc!), But miraculously I managed to finish it and here you have it

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Steep House
Steep House Steep House Steep House Steep House Steep House

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