
GTA San Andreas Cars



The Hundreds DeLorean DMC-12

Author: Saiaku Works
Date: 12.05.2022
Downloads: 8837 | Statistics
Filesize: 27.813 MB

9.91 based on 22 votes

The Hundreds DeLorean DMC-12 [PC/Mobile]

Hey!! I'm back from a long break from GTAinside :D
Had a couple of mod request projects the past few months and also busy grinding in real life.
Anyways enjoy this classic time traveller with a modern style!!!


= Quality model from The Crew 2 and Driver San Francisco
= 110% scaled model (similar to NGR's and MD10's cars)
= guaranteed no black cleo for mobile
= Detailed exterior and interior
= 3D compartments
= has 3 extra (spoiler, vents, spoiler + vents)
= 3 paintjobs + car template with obj model
= SWK lighting plate
= HQLM 2.0 support (not tested with original SA lights)
= SA colors support
= 2 color support (car body and interior along with plate)
= Custom shadow, collision and chassis_vlo
= Custom reflection (looks good with or without graphic mods)
= Custom data lines
= Replaces VIRGO or any car you want
= 8.5mb dff and 10mb textures


* data lines *
= handling.cfg =
VIRGO 1233.0 2466.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 -0.1 70 0.70 0.86 0.5 5 215.0 14.6 25.8 R P 7.0 0.50 0 35.0 0.8 0.10 0.0 0.25 -0.10 0.5 0.31 0.26 0.85 21000 002014 40000 1 1 0

= vehicles.ide =
491, virgo, virgo, car, VIRGO, VIRGO, null, richfamily, 10, 0, 0, -1, 0.775, 0.779, 0


* take note *
= may lag on low-end phones
= no custom damage


* Credits to Jarone, The Crew 2 devs and Driver San Francisco devs

* Special thanks to:
= our SWK Contributors
= NGR_Ardiansyah
= FHR artworks
= Mad Driver
= Claud Dine
= Team Saiaku | PH
= GTAinside

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The Hundreds DeLorean DMC-12
The Hundreds DeLorean DMC-12 The Hundreds DeLorean DMC-12 The Hundreds DeLorean DMC-12 The Hundreds DeLorean DMC-12 The Hundreds DeLorean DMC-12 The Hundreds DeLorean DMC-12 The Hundreds DeLorean DMC-12

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