SHANTIKA BUS Mods GTA SAN ANDREAS tentrem Caroserie Model Scorpion-King
- This mod can be downloaded at the Buses category
- If Re upload please include my name "Febri Nugroho Author"
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- Please Subscribe to My Channel, Like, Share, Ring a Bell
- Wait for the next Mods
- If you want to edit Livery Open packer.txd, extract it open with Photoshop
- Enjoy
SHANTIKA BUS Mods GTA SAN ANDREAS tentrem Caroserie Model Scorpion-King
- Mod Ini dapat di download di kategori Buses
- Jika Re upload mohon cantumkan nama saya "febri Nugroho Author"
Kasih Link Video Ini
- Tolong Subscribe Channel Saya, Like, Share, Bunyikan Lonceng
- Tunggu Mods Selanjutnya
- Jika Mau edit Livery Buka packer.txd, extract buka dengan Photoshop
- Enjoy
Sebelum men download file ini silahkan lihat video di channel youtube saya:
,kalau mau upload ulang harap menyertakan nama saya: febri nugroho email:, tolong subscribe, like n share, bunyikan lonceng agar tau video terbaru dari saya
Before downloading this file please see the video on my YouTube channel:
, if you want to re-upload, please include my name: febri nugroho email:, please subscribe, like n share, ring a bell to know the latest video from me