
GTA San Andreas Mods



Exotic Hotel

Author: Mário
Website | Email
Date: 04.01.2007
Downloads: 8673 | Statistics
Filesize: 1.781 MB

5.17 based on 1840 votes

Author: Mário, member of
Just go to the game, go the country on LS (any doubt about the location, see the pic "Exotic Hotel location).
The hotel is on the sea, near that big farm, between LS and LV.
Just search for there and you will find it without problem. ;)

I spent alot of time doing this, i hope you like it.
Thanks for download it and use it ;) (expect more cool maps from me soon, like the San Andreas International Airport)

Bugs :

- I didn´t detected any bug, so please if you found one, send me a e-mail or post on, in the topic about the Hotel.

Thanks go to :

- GRIM, who tell me wich program i should use to start modding and wich i should mod at first, he give me the correct "passport" to enter in the modding world, thanks alot mate!
- Mashinata for giving me alot of tutorials and help in the final steps of the model (make the .dff/.txd and col. files and make it appear in the game).
- SPY 3D for teach me how to make my model appear in the game.
- Oscarw_89 for teach me important steps while maing the model and for helping me using real textures.
- Don Monaro, for giving the idea of the underground park.

And a special thank you to, first because it was there i started my modder "carreer",
for being the best site of GTA modding and for the excellent people that is part of the community, they have always helped and i will never forget that. Thanks!

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Exotic Hotel

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